What Is A Title Page In A Dissertation: A Brief Manual

Often students in their post-graduate class feel baffled when they are told to write a 10-12 pages dissertation on the topic of their choice. Since their curriculum is vast with varied topics, they can’t decide what topic they will work on. Even if they have chosen a topic, they cannot decide on an appropriate title. Often dissertation without an interesting title cannot garner their anticipated marks. A title page is an identity card of your paper. So, in order to come up with an interesting title, the following guidelines are a suggested guideline to be followed:

  • Think about the topic you have chosen. Pose a question to yourself what is the relevance of the topic you have chosen. Create a hypothesis on the subject you intended.

  • Sit down with your supervisor regarding what will be your title. Follow his/her guidelines. Understand what the teacher wants you to do, what he expects from you.

  • Go through relevant books and journals. Observe minutely the various titles of the different write-ups. It may not necessarily be related to your subject. Any interesting research material will do the job.

  • Read the previously conducted research work in your institution. Ask your seniors about the same discuss with your friends and remember the points your teacher want you to mention.

  • Create a couple of drafts. Get them checked by your invigilator. Redo the title after correction, if any.

  • Search online to see whether any similar work has been carried out in your field. Check how the titles have been written.

After you have done enough research on your subject, it is time to frame a dissertation title.

  • Write the name of your institution at the top of the page.

  • Then write the title of your dissertation in such a manner that seems to reflect the main theme of your thesis.

  • Below that write your name in bold with institution roll number

  • Then write the name of your supervisor.

This is the way you can write a title for your subject. Remember a title is like a mirror for your coursework. The more prim and proper your title page is, the more impressionable it will be by the examiner. If you follow the above-said guidelines, you are sure to come up with a catchy caption for your topic. On the other hand, you can order a paper at a coursework writing service and won't have to worry about choosing a title.